Advent is a time for checking in on our disposition. A time spent reflecting inward in preparation for the arrival of Jesus at Christmas. As Christmas fast approaches are you in a disposition of anticipation, trust and openness to receiving the greatest gift, Jesus, into the manger of your heart? Or are you stressed, anxious, rushing around with an endless to do list before the shops close on Christmas Eve? Our society will have us believe, to have the best Christmas, we need matching pyjamas, a full dinner table overflowing with Christmas food, perfect decorations and presents galore under the tree.
But in reality you don’t need any of that; you just need to be present. Present with your family and with Jesus.
If my suffering and journey over this last year and most especially in the days leading up to Christmas 2022 have taught me anything, it’s that presence always trumps presents.
My heart broke the most, a deep profound ache that I’ve never felt before, not when I got told I had this very rare cancer that would require major, life changing surgery five days before Christmas, but when the doctors said that I couldn’t be discharged home for Christmas because of a medication scheduling error. This would mean no Christmas morning with my family and no Christmas Mass. I couldn’t care less what we would be eating, or if there would be presents, I just wanted to be with them, my husband, my children, my family. I wanted their presence! I just wanted to be with Jesus at Mass on His birthday. I wanted His Presence! By the grace of God, a Christmas miracle did happen and I did make it home to be under the tree on Christmas morning and around the altar with Jesus at Christmas Mass. Never in my life have I been so grateful for that gift of Presence.
Do not underestimate the power of your presence this Christmas. My children made it very clear to me that they would have given all their presents back in exchange for me to be home with them. This year, they really want nothing more than to go to Christmas Eve Mass together, eat ham sandwiches afterwards and watch the carols before going to bed….together. Presence matters more than presents. It is as simple and as profound as that.
Do not underestimate the power of Jesus’ presence. Do not make the mistake that Christmas can be without Christ. Do what you can to prepare your heart and your mind for the birth of our beloved Saviour. Give Him the gift of your Presence. He wants nothing more than to be with you.
Let this be the year that you give your full presence to Christ and to your family at Christmas. Our reality can change so very quickly. We don’t know the hour when life will change, when sufferings come or when we will be called home. We are only promised today, so please make your greatest and most important gift given this year, your presence.
Thanks Erin, I have learnt something. Being present